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Torsdag 20/02
3 rok 81 m2 6 895 000 kr Lägenhet
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2 rok 39.5 m2 1 675 000 kr Bostadsrätt
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Kommande försäljning
2 rok 37 m2 3 200 000 kr Bostadsrätt
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We know Stockholm's housing market like no other.

Retail & Properties Bostad is a brokerage company with a focus on the sale of condominiums, villas and commercial properties. We know Stockholm's housing market like no other.

At Retail & Properties, we are not just a brokerage firm – we are your strategic partner for a successful housing deal.

We understand that every housing transaction is unique and requires a tailored approach. Our experienced team of brokers combines expertise with your vision to design a targeted marketing plan that will give you the best possible results. With a deep-rooted knowledge of Stockholm's housing market, we can open doors to opportunities that others do not see.

It's not just a home you're selling or looking for - it's a home, a lifestyle, an investment. Our proven marketing strategy together with our skilled brokers gives you the best of both worlds: maximum exposure and personal care. We create a strong presence in the market. We know one thing, with the right marketing and our experienced brokers, you get the best conditions for what could be the best deal of your life.

We work with brokering residential and commercial properties but also help customers find their dream home. In this way, we have an extensive customer base and network of stakeholders where we can bring sellers and buyers together without the object coming out on the open market.

So regardless of whether you have a condominium, a residential property, or a commercial property, we guide you toward your next successful deal.

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Would you like to book an unconditional meeting with us? Or do you have any general questions and concerns? Fill in the form and describe your case and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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